logo sib sideral
Since 1977 we are the leader in the design and manufacturing of broaches. Since 45 years we’ve commited ourselves to offer unique and customized solutions


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Since 1977 we design and produce our broaches and sharper cutter with care and passion.Over the years, thanks to the constant improvement and desire to innovate, we were able to reach a level of certified quality (ISO/TUV) which enabled us to succed not only in Italy, but also abroad. Close attention to the Customer’s needs is the starting point to produce tools that meet each specific needs. We believe strongly in experimentation & research; several patents and proprietary technologies have been developped over the years able to improve performance of manufactued broaches. On the 45 anniversary of operations the continuing process of evolution and developement that characterizes Sib Sideral brings us to train our staff, to expand our factory and to buy new CNC machines in order to get better and better our broach quality and tool life.

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Sib Sideral S.r.l.

Fiscal code: 02043270012

Recipient code: W7YVJK9